When it comes to energy efficiency, no city in the world has worked as hard as New York City.
Over the last few years, private and public entities have pulled together in an unprecedented way to make strides on energy and green construction. Of course, facilities teams working at large commercial structures have been at the forefront of implementing the new rules.
Now, there’s something else to be aware of – new energy code requirements.
New Commercial Energy Code Requirements Another Great Step Forward
On the 16th of October, 2016, New York City’s new energy code for commercial buildings went live. The new standards are another challenge for facilities managers who have worked very hard already – but they are expected to reduce energy spending even as inflation continues to rise.
The goal? To cut greenhouse gasses and energy consumption more than 80% versus 2005’s numbers. The target date for that achievement is 2050. You can get full details on the new energy code from New York Engineers.
What Do You Need to Know About Compliance Right Away?
In general, conditions for design and simulation of New York commercial buildings match those used for residential structures. Maximum design temperature for heating loads is 72° and the minimum for cooling loads is 75°, consistent with Climate Zone 4A.
For compliance in the long term, facilities teams have multiple options:
ASHRAE Compliance
As usual when it comes to new rules, ASHRAE is there to simplify and clarify what needs to be done. If a building complies with ASHRAE 90.1-2013 – Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings – it automatically complies with the NYC Energy Code.
Prescriptive Compliance
Buildings that fully comply with Chapter 4, Sections C402 through C405 of the NYC Energy Code will be deemed compliant. Commercial structures must also comply with C406, and tenant spaces must comply with C406.1.1.
Performance Compliance
Modifications to existing construction must conform to new specifications, too. You can find these requirements in Chapter C5, Sections C501 through C505. These rules cover additions, repairs, alterations, and much more.
Work with Experts to Thrive in New York’s Fast-Paced Compliance Scene
It seems like every year, compliance gets that much more challenging. Though it isn’t easy, the benefits are already beginning to be felt. Commercial structures are saving millions of dollars versus older standards, and emissions are way down.
Concerned About Your Compliance Outlook?
At Donnelly Mechanical, we’re the Big Apple’s top experts when it comes to commercial HVAC system efficiency. We can optimize and maintain your system according to the highest standards. This makes overall compliance – and savings – that much easier.
To learn more about high efficiency HVAC upgrades, visit our website or contact us today.